

> 東大留学生向け物件探し

Information for International students
and Researchers of the
University of Tokyo

ABLE Inc. is your reliable partner when looking for an apartment in Japan.
ABLE develops its operations focused primarily on the brokerage of rental
real estate via one of the largest business networks in Japan.
ABLE finds apartments that meet the diverse needs of
international students and researchers of the University of Tokyo .
東京大学バナー(中) 留学生・外国人研究者のための住居サポート ハウジングオフィス



OPEN:Monday - Friday /
9:00 -18 :00

CLOSE:National holidays,
New year holidays

ABLE Inc. is・・・

<Extensive network>
ABLE is highly accessible not only via its website for PC and Smartphone but also at a number of local
offices near the school. ABLE also has overseas local offices to provide information about apartments in Japan and offer consultation services about starting a daily life in Japan, even before coming to Japan.

<Reasonable brokerage fees>
In general, when you rent an apartment in Japan, you need to pay brokerage fees equivalent to one month’s rent. ABLE’s brokerage fees are 50%(excluding tax) of one month’s which saves your money when moving of rent.
※For example, if the monthly rent is JPY 60,000, you can save JPY 30,000 (excluding tax) compared with a brokerage fee equivalent to one month’s rent as charged by other brokers.

<Multilingual services>
ABLE has local offices that can offer services in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and English. In addition, staff members of foreign nationalities are stationed at the international student support center of the head office in order to offer exclusive services to international students. They can provide advice when starting a new life in Japan and can introduce recommended areas based on their own personal experience and track record of finding apartments for many international students.

<Favorable conditions>
With a long list of quality apartments available for international students, ABLE can find apartments that meet specific needs, including rent price, apartment conditions, and the exemption of the designation of a jointly and severally liable guarantor (rentai-hoshōnin).

<For international students and researchers of the University of Tokyo>
・ABLE Inc. is a real estate agency which collaborates with university and provides housing service to all the international students and professionals.
・Plan for No need Guarantor Furthermore, introduce the property before coming to Japan.
・ABLE’s staff members can support you in the following procedures that are necessary to live in Japan.
・The new life support guidebook is provided.
・Free consultation is available.

Apartment Renting Process


Can I begin the process before arriving Japan?

Yes, we are happy to help. If you contact ABLE before you come to Japan, we can help you with several processes to save time after your arrival. For example, (1) you can get information about properties by e-mail before coming to Japan. 2) ABLE will check with the landlord in advance whether the property is available for foreigners. (3) For customers from overseas who do not have a guarantor, ABLE will support the overseas screening process of the guarantor company and shorten the screening time after coming to Japan.
※What we can help you with will vary from ABLE’s local branch office to office, so please contact us in advance for that too. ※Also, please note that it normally takes 3-10 days until you can complete the process of contract and move in after arriving Japan, so please be sure to give yourself extra time when you set up a plan of renting an apartment.

What documents should I need when applying for an apartment?

① Passport ②Residence card or Certificate of Eligibility.③ Students: University admission letter / Employed: Offer letter from your employer
Please note that we may ask for additional documents in some cases.

What items should I bring on the day signing for the leasing contract?

①your seal ② your ID ③the other necessary documents

Should I have a Japanese guarantor? What do I need to do if I don’t have one?

When a Japanese customer sings a contract, a guarantor within the third degree of consanguinity is required. In the case of foreigners, it is often difficult to find a Japanese guarantor, so that many customers from overseas will be asked to use a guarantee company. The guarantee company will act as your guarantor. Usually the guarantee company fee is equivalent to 50% of 1 month rent for the first year (one-time), and 10,000 yen per year from the second year onwards. This may vary depending on companies, so please ask for the detail.

I saw the apartments on the website are not furnished, is this actually the case? What should I do to arrange the furniture?

Yes, most Japanese apartments are not furnished.
ABLE can introduce the rental furniture service. If you would like further information, please contact us.

I am planning to keep a pet in the future. Should I inform this to the landlords?

Yes. Keeping a pet is not allowed in many apartments in Japan. Please let us know if you are looking for a pet-friendly apartment.

Do I need to tell if my family or friend will be living with me in my apartment?

Yes. Many landlords do not accept adding a tenant later due to noise and other reasons. Please let us know first if you will have a co-occupant so that we can negotiate with the landlords.

We have a kid/kids. Should I inform this to the landlords?

Yes, considering the wear and noise, many landlords do not accept a kid/kids. Do please let us know this in advance so that we can negotiate with the landlords.

Will the key money be back to me when I move out?

No. Key money means a” reward” paid by the leaser to the landlord, and it won’t be returned to the leaser when moving out.

What is the insurance fee?

Fire insurance. Many landlords require the leaser to buy fire insurance. There are many options based on the structure of the house, the size of the room and the content of the insurance. Insurance policies cover not only fire but also water leakage accidents, etc.

Is water/electricity/gas cost included in the rent?

No, the water/electricity/gas cost is not included in the rent. The water/electricity/gas bureau charge for it. You can pay them at the convenience store.

How do I renew my lease after two years?

About a month or two before the expiration date, ABLE or the landlord will send you a renewal contract. The renewal contract will include instructions on how to pay the renewal fee. If you have any questions about renewal, please feel free to contact the ABLE.

What do I need to do when I want to leave the apartment?

You should notice the landlord that you want to leave 1-3month before leaving. You may be required to attend the final inspection of the room and bring your key and seal with you at that time. If the room is found to be damaged, you may have to pay for repairs.




OPEN:Monday - Friday /
9:00 -18 :00

CLOSE:National holidays,
New year holidays